Sunday, August 15, 2010

Proud to be an Indian, Really?

Mark Twain had once said "India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only." 63 years back when India became a "free" country(Pun Intended) thousands of Indians were in Delhi to celebrate and hear Nehru speak. At the stroke of midnight Nehru spoke, In English. The first Prime Minister of Independent India spoke to his people in a language gifted by those whom he himself was very much opposed. The language which majority of the Indians did not understand.Today when India completes 63 revolution around the sun as an Independent country we make Macaulay a proud man(in his grave) by making his project of creating "people who are Indians in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions. in morals and in intellect" a grand success.
Come Independence day or republic day I see people using the phrase "Proud to be an Indian"(PTBI), are they realy proud or is it just a customary lip service. I myself feel that the phrase PTBI has become a cliche. Most of those people who use this hardly know anything about India and I must say they don't even care to know anything about India. Most of these people prefer English over any Indian Languages and Pizzas over Parathas.Its like the proverb "Muh Mein Ram Bagal Mein Churi". In an IT company the employees are asked to reduce the Mother Tongue influence in their English accent, the HR sends a mail inviting everyone for the celbrations of Independence day where they are served with pure European food which the employee is supposed to Eat with a Knife and a Fork, the mail ends with the favorite quote "Proud to be an Indian". I was searching on web for the places I can visit on 15th to celebrate Independence day and I come across a Resturant which was celebrating Indian Independence day by serving pure Italian food on 15th, another restaurant is celebrating Independence day with a western musical concert . One of the Restaurant's website which was not updated said "Come Celebrate American Independence Day in Desi style".
We are all just trying to Emulate the west which has become a role model by default, in this process we end up becoming caricatures. We need to realize what we are and what our country is, only then it makes sense to say "Proud to be an Indian".

Happy Independence day to all my friends